DCI Study Day

14/04/2018 all-day
Hull Royal Infirmary
Anlaby Rd
Hull HU3 2JZ
25 £
+44 1482672462

Training and professional development opportunities for hyperbaric staff, especially in diving medicine are rare, for both doctors and operations managers with responsibility for such events. We are planning a “diving medicine” day in Hull on the 14 April at the medical education centre lecture theatre. The day is simply called DCI study day “Optimising Outcomes”.

We plan to use actual case history with speakers from Norway, Holland, Germany and the UK as a teaching and review opportunity to “optimising outcomes”.

Presentations include: iatrogenic gas embolism and its management; and a series of three presentation: DCI- is there a role for Lignocaine? Steroids? Lumbar drain? Other presentation are included to help professionally develop attendees, with topics such as: Submarine escapee triage and management and hydrogen diving to 500+msw.