SPUMS 48th Annual Scientific Meeting 2019
Venue: Solomon Kitano Mendana Hotel, Solomon Islands
Theme: “Old divers and bold divers but not old, bold divers” – Cardiovascular health risk assessment and diving
Guest Speaker: A/Professor Nigel Stuart Jepson, Senior Staff Specialist and Director, Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratories, Eastern Heart Clinic at the Prince of Wales Public Hospital (POWH) in Sydney, Australia
Scientific Conveners: Clinical Professor David Smart and Professor Michael Bennett
Event Convener: Dr Catherine Meehan
The UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting’s primary goal is to provide a forum for professional scientific growth and development of the participants to improve knowledge and competence in order to further patient outcome. The meeting provides a basis for exchange of ideas, both scientific and practical, among physicians, researchers, and other health care professionals.The UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting consists of abstract and poster presentations, plenary sessions, the annual Kindwall and Lambertsen Lectures, and other social events. There will be exhibits from a number of hyperbaric, diving and wound care vendors. The Annual Meeting also affords an opportunity for participants to meet and interact with past and present leaders of the Society and to become active in Society affairs.
More information soon.
The dates of EUBS2019 will be September 9-12, 2019, and it will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel, at the David Intercontinental Hotel. The conference will be jointly organised with an International Conference on Hyperbaric Oxygen and the Brain. This period has been chosen as it is after the summer break but just before the high holidays in Israel. Tel Aviv is an exciting hypermodern coastal city, with top-notch medical research and treatment facilities, but also bustling with beaches, restaurants and nightlife.
The conferences will be hosted by the Israeli Society for Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine, and the dedicated conference website is already accessible (registrations and abstract submissions will start from October 2018).
The first “International French-Language Hyperbarc and Diving Medicine Conference” is organised by the International Association of French Language Hyperbaric Centres (ICHF: association Internationale des Centres Hyperbares Francophones).
The ICHF seeks to promote collaboration between french-language hyperbaric teams and centres, and has members from France, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada, Caribbean Islands, Indian Ocean Islands, and Africa.
Having started with regular video-conferencing meetings, the ICHF now goes one step further and “voilà !” – the first ICHF congress has been born.
Diving Medicine is a narrow-banded speciality and professional development opportunities are relatively rare.
To meet and maintain the Diving Medical communities’ high professional standards, the United Kingdom Sports Diving Medical Committee (UKDMC); and British Hyperbaric Association (BHA) have organised a joint two-day conference Wednesday 27- Thursday 28 of November 2019, in Hull, East Yorkshire.
The schedule of presentations and discussions meets the requirement of the UK HSE AMED revalidation regarding specialist diving medicine. Each day has been registered for six CPD points.
A program has been developed to meet a wide variety of interests with speakers from: France, Holland and the UK of course; Dr Susan Kayar has been invited as a key note speaker, formerly head of the decompression sickness research program at the Naval Medical Research Institute Bethesda Maryland USA, Susan will speak about biochemical decompression from ultradeep hydrogen diving.
Welcome Drinks are in Hull oldest Pub “Ye Old Black Boy” on the evening of Tuesday 26thNovember, from 1930 onwards.
The Conference will be held in Hull City Hall, 27 and 28, each day starting at 0900, see program for details.
The Course Dinner is to be in The Hull City Guildhall banquet room; pre-dinner drinks at 0730.
Find all details for online and telephone registration along with the full program at
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the EUBS Annual Meeting 2020 has been postponed to September 2022.
More details to follow soon !
SPUMS – Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
Date: 4-6 May 2022
Theme – Take a Deep Breath – Diving and Hyperbaric Respiratory Physiology in 2022
Kenote speaker: TBA
The SPUMS Annual Scientific meeting will be held online via the Zoom platform. The links will be provided closer to the start of the event.
Dear friends and colleagues,
let me address you again and say that once again, after 2 years of delays, we are ready to hold the 46th Annual EUBS Scientific Meeting 2022 in full face-to-face form.
The current epidemiological situation and its outlook for the spring and summer seasons of this year looks favourable. It is also necessary to say that the last two summer seasons, both in the Czech Republic and in its capital city Prague, were very stable in terms of travel, tourism and leisure activities, allowing both free travel and encounters in both outdoor and indoor areas without any significant restrictions and prohibitions.
The current date was set from 31st August to 3rd September 2022. The centre and venue of the conference is still the same, it is a prestigious four-star hotel from an international network called NH Prague City Hotel, located at a short distance from the Vltava River and the city centre.
Our highest wish is that the upcoming conference, practically after a three-year pause, will be attended by as many participants and visitors as possible, because we feel that our professional community is driven by the desire to meet in person both during lectures and discussions, and especially during social events after the end of the official scientific program, as has been the case at dozens of previous conferences.
I believe that in the future we will only remember well that we participated in the first post-covid conference in history! Welcome to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic and the world venue of hyperbaric and diving medicine in 2022!
Michal Hajek, MD, PhD.
Secretary General, Chairman of Local Organizing Committee, 46th Annual EUBS Scientific Meeting 2022.