Theme: Commercial Diving, Medical Implications
Keynote Speaker: Dr Debbie Pestell
Topics include: Principles of Mixed Gas and Saturation Diving, Chronic Dysbaric Disorders: Long Term Health Effects, Medications and Diving, Fitness to Dive Standards, Assessment and Contraindications, Case Series, Lessons Learned
Other speakers include: A/Prof David Smart, Dr Neal Pollock, Dr Sarah Lockley, A/Prof Ian Gawthrope, Dr Martin Sayer and Dr Jurg Wendling
Workshop: Hands on diver-focused echocardiography
Run by: A/Prof Ian Gawthrope and Dr Neal Pollock
The UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting’s primary goal is to provide a forum for professional scientific growth and development of the participants to improve knowledge and competence in order to further patient outcome. The meeting provides a basis for exchange of ideas, both scientific and practical, among physicians, researchers, and other health professionals. The UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting consists of abstract and poster presentations, plenary sessions, the annual Kindwall and Lambertsen Lectures, and other social events. There will be exhibits from a number of hyperbaric, diving and wound care vendors. The Annual Meeting also affords an opportunity for participants to meet and interact with past and present leaders of the Society and to become active in Society affairs.
Pre-course 1: Management of DCI in the Field and Development of Best Practice Guidelines by Expert Committee
Pre-course 2: Hyperbaric Oxygen Safety: Clinical and Technical Issues
Pre-course 3: How to Prepare for Accreditation
The Reimbursement Rollercoaster-Provider & Facility Update
Join us for our Annual Scientific Meeting, this year hosted by the Hyperbaric Centre and the University of Ravenna, Italy.
You can download the First Announcement from this link. All information is available on the Annual Meeting dedicated website:
A l’occasion du cinquetanaire de Medsubhyp, l’équipe du Pr Jean Eric Blatteau organise le 17 mars 2018 la réunion scientifique de printemps au Val de Grâce sur les thèmes “des sociétés savantes francophones de médecine hyperbare” et de “l’histoire de la médecine de la plongée, l’actualité en terme de recherche et l’analyse d’accidents graves”.
Vous pouvez télécharger le programme et le bulletin d’inscription via ce lien.
Training and professional development opportunities for hyperbaric staff, especially in diving medicine are rare, for both doctors and operations managers with responsibility for such events. We are planning a “diving medicine” day in Hull on the 14 April at the medical education centre lecture theatre. The day is simply called DCI study day “Optimising Outcomes”.
We plan to use actual case history with speakers from Norway, Holland, Germany and the UK as a teaching and review opportunity to “optimising outcomes”.
Presentations include: iatrogenic gas embolism and its management; and a series of three presentation: DCI- is there a role for Lignocaine? Steroids? Lumbar drain? Other presentation are included to help professionally develop attendees, with topics such as: Submarine escapee triage and management and hydrogen diving to 500+msw.
The first Baltic International Symposium on Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine will take place in
Gdynia, Poland, from 31st May to 2nd June 2018. Specifically aimed at professionals in the field, it
will provide advanced and up-to- date knowledge, in the form of two days of lectures on Diving &
Hyperbaric Medicine with pre-symposium workshops. Lectures will be given by carefully chosen
experts in the field, many of whom are EUBS members and executives. The National Centre for
Hyperbaric Medicine in Gdynia is responsible for preparation of the scientific program. The
The symposium will be held in the Hotel Nadmorski, located in one of the most spectacular places in
Gdynia, Poland, just at the sea-side of the Baltic Sea.
The UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting’s primary goal is to provide a forum for professional scientific growth and development of the participants to improve knowledge and competence in order to further patient outcome. The meeting provides a basis for exchange of ideas, both scientific and practical, among physicians, researchers, and other health professionals.
The UHMS Annual Scientific Meeting consists of abstract and poster presentations, plenary sessions, the annual Kindwall and Lambertsen Lectures, and other social events. There will be exhibits from a number of hyperbaric, diving and wound care vendors. The Annual Meeting also affords an opportunity for participants to meet and interact with past and present leaders of the Society and to become active in Society affairs.
After a very successful first edition in 2013 on Reunion Island, our next Tricontinental Scientific Conference (TRICON2018) will take place in the coastal city of Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
We are once again organising a full week of scientific days interspersed with diving workshops and social events. The academic programme will include presentations, workshops, discussion sessions, and special topic conferences. Our social calendar encompasses a welcome coctail party, a gala dinner and the ever popular post-conference happy hour. There will be opportunities to dive the nearby Aliwal Shoal, visit wildlife game parks, take in a local rugby match and explore Zulu culture.
A Joint Organising Committee from EUBS, SPUMS, SAUHMA and the Scott Haldane Foundation will work together with local Durban Hyperbaric Centre staff and a South Africa Event Management Bureau to make sure everything runs smoothly !
The combination of easy access, nice weather, friendly people, rich culture, nature at its most spectacular and affordable prices makes this an opportunity not to be missed. The weather in September is ideal with temperatures in the mid 20s for both land and sea and little chance of rain. Why not plan an extra week before or after the conference to travel the area and experience more of South Africa’s amazing diversity, hospitality and wildlife. Bring your family too – there are a lot of child-friendly activities nearby !
The International Symposium on Naval Medicine 2018 will be held on October 22-26, 2018, in Istanbul; by Turkish Navy, Naval Medical Training and Research Center (DETAM), under the auspices of Turkish Naval Forces Command on the occasion of decennial of DETAM.
The first International Symposium on Naval Medicine in Turkey took place in October 2005, which ended up with the establishment of Turkish Navy, Naval Medical Training and Research Center. It is understood that today’s naval medicine has become a multidisciplinary field that has to be well organized in order to be highly efficient to meet the operational needs. Turkish Navy, having a history of hundreds of years, does realize the importance of Naval Medicine and has now a policy to take further steps to augment the extend and the capabilities of DETAM.
Professionals in naval medicine, all over the world, are dealing with highly specific issues within special environments and populations; from preventive medicine to man-machine interactions, from medical support to special operations to researches on the issues of diving and submarine medicine. The Turkish Navy believes that bringing experts in naval medicine all over the world together will contribute to see the whole and the real picture of naval medicine and this will enable everybody to see the opportunities of collaboration and to find a perfect scientific platform of sharing information.
Registration is planned to be free of charge. The Symposium Secretariat will not be able to register more than the capacity of the auditorium. It is strictly recommended that all colleagues intending to register, keep in mind the limitation and register on time.
Deadline for registration is September 14, 2018.
Download the Congress Information PDF here.
25 years ago, A.A. Bühlmann passed away. For this reason the Swiss Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society (SUHMS) and the Historical Hyperbaric Chamber Zurich Association (DKL-USZ) are offering an extraordinary memorial symposium to all interested divers and physicians with a series of interesting lectures.
Among others, Thomas Bühlmann, A.A. Bühlmann’s son, who is engaged in historical research about his father’s diving medical work from 1959 to 1994, will present a report about this period. In addition, there will be a unique opportunity to visit the remains of the former Hyperbaric Chamber Laboratory with a guided tour.