COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations

ECHM-EUBS position on recreational and professional diving after the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak

English: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (21st May 2020)
Italian: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (21st May 2020)
Greek: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (21st May 2020)
German: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (21st May 2020)
Polish: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (21st May 2020)

ICHF (International Association of French-Language Hyperbaric Centres) Position Statement on resuming professional diving activities within the context of the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 (COVID 19) pandemic.

French: ICHF Position Statement on resuming professional diving activities (7 May 2020)
English: ICHF Position Statement on resuming professional diving activities (7 May 2020) 

ICHF (International Association of French-Language Hyperbaric Centres) Position Statement on resuming HBOT activities within the context of the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 (COVID 19) pandemic.

French: ICHF Position sur la reprise des activités OHB
English: ICHF Recommendations resuming of clinical HBOT activities

ECHM-EUBS position on the use of HBOT in the treatment of COVID-19 patients

English: ECHM-EUBS position on the use of HBOT for COVID-19 (1st May 2020)
Italian: ECHM-EUBS position on the use of HBOT for COVID-19 (1st May 2020)
French: Position de l’ECHM-EUBS sur l’OHB chez des patients COVID-19 (1er Mai 2020)
Portuguese: ECHM EUBS position on the use of HBOT for COVID-19 (1st May 2020)
Greek: ECHM-EUBS position on the use of HBOT for COVID-19 (1st May 2020)
Turkish: ECHM-EUBS position on the use of HBOT for COVID-19 (1st May 2020)
Spanish: ECHM-EUBS Posicion sobre uso de OHB para COVID-19 (1 Mayo 2020)
Polish: ECHM-EUBS position on the use of HBOT for COVID-19 (1st May 2020)

ECHM-EUBS position on HBOT and COVID-19 (updated 30th April 2020)

English: ECHM position on HBOT and COVID-19 (updated 30th April 2020)

UHMS position on the use of HBOT in the treatment of COVID-19 patients

UHMS Position Statement on HBOT for COVID-19 Patients (April 20, 2020)

Belgian Society for Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine position on returning to diving activities after COVID-19 infection

English: Position of the BVOOG on diving after COVID Infection (12th April 2020)
French: Position of the BVOOG on diving after COVID Infection (12th April 2020)
Dutch: Position of the BVOOG on diving after COVID Infection (12th April 2020)
Japanese: Position of the BVOOG on diving after COVID Infection (12th April 2020)

EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)

English: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Français: Position EUBS-ECHM sur la plongée et COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Portuguese: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Polish: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
German: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Spanish: Posición EUBS-ECHM sobre buceo y COVID-19 (26 Marzo 2020)
Italian: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Turkish: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Greek: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Slovak: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)
Nederlands: EUBS-ECHM position on diving and COVID-19 (26th March 2020)

ECHM position on HBOT and COVID-19 (16th March 2020)

English: ECHM position on HBOT and COVID-19 (16th March 2020)
Français: Position de l’ECHM sur OHB et COVID-19 (16th March 2020)
Portuguese: Recomendações do ECHM no HBOT e COVID-19 (16 March 2020)
Czech: Poziční dokument coronavirus ECHM převzatý ČSHLM (16 March 2020)
Italian: Posizionamento dell’ECHM sulla OTI e COVID-19 (16th March 2020)
Polish: Stanowisko ECHM HBOT i COVID-19 (16th March 2020)
Spanish: Posicion del ECHM sobre HBOT y COVID-19 (16 de Marzo 2020)
Nederlands: Standpunt ECHM over HBOT en COVID-19 (16th March 2020)
Greek: ECHM position on HBOT and COVID-19 (16th March 2020)
Turkish: ECHM position on HBOT and COVID-19 (16th March 2020)
German: ECHM position on HBOT and COVID-19 (16th March 2020)